Message from the Mayor
Message from the mayor:
It is an honor and a privilege to serve and represent Butler as its mayor, so it is with great pleasure that I welcome newcomers to our municipality and all to The Town of Butler’s website. If you are a visitor to our area, you have chosen a destination that has a wealth of heritage and cultural diversity. Our town is rich in community spirit with a strong sense of civic consciousness as exhibited by numerous community groups including a diligent group of proud military veterans who represent our American Legion and VFW; energetic parents who volunteer much of their free time to coordinate activities for our children like our softball & baseball programs and Butler Fest; a historical society which strives to preserve our past; and many concerned and active citizens who are always willing to pitch-in for events such as “Relay For Life” or donate and assist in causes like animal rescue. Our residents benefit from a first-rate Volunteer Fire Department; a dedicated police force; modern utilities and communications amenities; and exemplary healthcare services ranging from the top-notch paramedics & EMTs of our ambulance service to the professional personnel of our new medical facility, Choctaw General Hospital. On behalf of the town council, the entire staff, and myself, we hope you will enjoy your visit to our website and we invite you to personally experience our lovely town and partake of our hospitality and attractions. Perhaps, you may even choose to live or invest here.
It is an honor and a privilege to serve and represent Butler as its mayor, so it is with great pleasure that I welcome newcomers to our municipality and all to The Town of Butler’s website. If you are a visitor to our area, you have chosen a destination that has a wealth of heritage and cultural diversity. Our town is rich in community spirit with a strong sense of civic consciousness as exhibited by numerous community groups including a diligent group of proud military veterans who represent our American Legion and VFW; energetic parents who volunteer much of their free time to coordinate activities for our children like our softball & baseball programs and Butler Fest; a historical society which strives to preserve our past; and many concerned and active citizens who are always willing to pitch-in for events such as “Relay For Life” or donate and assist in causes like animal rescue. Our residents benefit from a first-rate Volunteer Fire Department; a dedicated police force; modern utilities and communications amenities; and exemplary healthcare services ranging from the top-notch paramedics & EMTs of our ambulance service to the professional personnel of our new medical facility, Choctaw General Hospital. On behalf of the town council, the entire staff, and myself, we hope you will enjoy your visit to our website and we invite you to personally experience our lovely town and partake of our hospitality and attractions. Perhaps, you may even choose to live or invest here.

Mayor Mike Williams
Town Council
Town Council Members are elected every four years. The next election will be August 2025.
The Mayor and five members of the Town Council identify community needs and designate Town resources to meet those needs within the limits of federal and state law. Specific duties include overseeing long range plans for the town, adopting local ordinances and Town polices, approving an annual budget.
The Butler Town Council meets every 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. In addition to the second Tuesday of each month there will be quarterly financial meetings held the 4th Tuesday of each quarter at 6:00 p.m. Those meeting will be held during the months of January, April, July, and October. The meetings are held at Butler Town Hall in the Conference Room. Special workshops are scheduled as needed. Workshops are announced by flyers posted at Town Hall and on the town Facebook page.
Public Comment
Public Comments are accepted at the beginning of each regularly scheduled Town Council Meeting. Any person wishing to speak may sign in with the Clerk prior to the beginning of the meeting. A request may also be submitted in writing. The request should include name, phone number, address, and purpose for appearing before the Town Council. The new Citizen Comment Form can be used to e-mail direct. All comments being submitted by e-mail should be received no later than the Monday preceding the meeting by 4:30 p.m. Comments received after this time will appear on a later agenda. After hearing a petition, the Town Council may consider the petition at a future meeting or refer to another board or committee to study and report.
The Mayor and five members of the Town Council identify community needs and designate Town resources to meet those needs within the limits of federal and state law. Specific duties include overseeing long range plans for the town, adopting local ordinances and Town polices, approving an annual budget.
The Butler Town Council meets every 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. In addition to the second Tuesday of each month there will be quarterly financial meetings held the 4th Tuesday of each quarter at 6:00 p.m. Those meeting will be held during the months of January, April, July, and October. The meetings are held at Butler Town Hall in the Conference Room. Special workshops are scheduled as needed. Workshops are announced by flyers posted at Town Hall and on the town Facebook page.
Public Comment
Public Comments are accepted at the beginning of each regularly scheduled Town Council Meeting. Any person wishing to speak may sign in with the Clerk prior to the beginning of the meeting. A request may also be submitted in writing. The request should include name, phone number, address, and purpose for appearing before the Town Council. The new Citizen Comment Form can be used to e-mail direct. All comments being submitted by e-mail should be received no later than the Monday preceding the meeting by 4:30 p.m. Comments received after this time will appear on a later agenda. After hearing a petition, the Town Council may consider the petition at a future meeting or refer to another board or committee to study and report.